Encouraging Physical Activity in Older Adults

by Gema Smith 04/19/2024


It's crucial for older adults to engage in regular physical activity to enhance their well-being and lower the risk of cardiovascular issues. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you've been inactive for a while or have existing medical conditions. Ensure that the activities you choose align with your fitness level and health status.


For individuals aged 65 and above, the following guidelines are recommended:

  • Aim for daily physical activity, even if it's light, such as walking or household chores.
  • Incorporate activities that focus on improving strength, balance, and flexibility at least twice a week.
  • Strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, or a combination of both, if you're already active.
  • Minimize sedentary behavior by breaking up long periods of inactivity with short bursts of movement.
  • For those concerned about falling, incorporating exercises that target strength, balance, and flexibility can significantly improve confidence and stability.


What Constitutes Light Activity?

Light activity involves any movement instead of prolonged sitting or lying down. Examples include:

  • Making simple tasks like brewing tea or tidying up around the house.
  • Taking leisurely walks.
  • Performing light household chores like dusting, vacuuming, or making the bed.
  • Standing intermittently instead of sitting for extended periods.
  • Identifying Moderate and Vigorous Intensity Activities


Moderate-intensity activities elevate heart rate and breathing without causing exhaustion. Examples include:

  • Walking briskly for health benefits.
  • Participating in water aerobics or cycling.
  • Engaging in recreational activities like dancing or tennis.
  • Performing household tasks like mowing the lawn.


Vigorous intensity activities significantly increase heart rate and breathing. Examples include:

  • Running or aerobics.
  • Swimming or biking at a challenging pace.
  • Playing singles tennis or football.
  • Participating in uphill hiking or martial arts.
  • Strengthening Muscles for Better Health


To reap the benefits of strength exercises, aim to fatigue your muscles before taking a short rest. There are various ways to strengthen muscles, whether at home or in a gym. Examples include:

  • Carrying groceries or engaging in activities like yoga, pilates, or tai chi.
  • Using resistance bands or lifting weights.
  • Performing bodyweight exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups.
  • Engaging in intense gardening tasks like digging or shoveling.


Muscle-strengthening exercises complement aerobic activities but should be performed separately, in addition to meeting the recommended 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week.



About the Author

Gema Smith

Gema S. Smith has been an influential pioneer in the luxury real estate industry for over 30 years. With a reputation for providing first-class service and garnering impeccable results for her clients, Gema’s accomplishments have earned her mentions in San Jose Magazine as well as two State of California Senate Certificates of Recognition.