Buy Now, or Wait?

by Gema Smith 09/30/2024


Some Highlights

  • If you’re wondering if you should buy now or wait, here’s what you need to know.
  • If you wait for rates to drop more, you’ll have to deal with more competition and higher prices as additional buyers jump back in. But if you buy now, you’d get ahead of that and have the chance to start building equity.
  • Should you buy now or wait? Let’s talk through it together, so you can make your best decision. 
About the Author

Gema Smith

Gema S. Smith has been an influential pioneer in the luxury real estate industry for over 30 years. With a reputation for providing first-class service and garnering impeccable results for her clients, Gema’s accomplishments have earned her mentions in San Jose Magazine as well as two State of California Senate Certificates of Recognition.